Nine local politicians met in Osmangazi on 11 March for a closed discussion on asylum and migration issues in cities.
Osmangazi in Turkey hosted our social affairs forum on 11-13 March, which included a closed political discussion on asylum and migration issues, and in particular on a draft EUROCITIES statement on asylum.
Turkey is a frontline reception and transit country for asylum seekers and refugees. Politicians discussed the overwhelmingly large number of Syrian refugees being hosted in camps or settling in major cities in Turkey, as well as the many that are risking their lives to access EU countries.
Thomas Fabian, vice mayor of Leipzig and chair of our social affairs forum, chaired the meeting. Politicians made important contributions to our draft statement on asylum in cities, which will be incorporated into a EUROCITIES statement on asylum and migration.
The spring social affairs forum focused on adapting city services to demographic change, and included a keynote speech by Nazia Hussain, director of the Open Society Foundations-funded ‘At Home in Europe’ initiative. The meeting also included study visits to some of the services provided by Osmangazi municipality, speednetworking sessions led by eight EUROCITIES members, and workshops on deprived neighbourhoods, intra-EU migration, active ageing, and social cohesion through pedestrian accessibility.