"As a growing city, Munich is and has always been a city of immigrants. Economically and culturally, the state capital has always benefited from migration. Already in the 1990s, Munich started do develop its own municipal refugee policy, emphasizing the integration of refugees. Their integration from the first day, regardless of their respective residence permit, forms the core of this policy. Building on these priniciples, the city voluntarily funds numerous integration measures, projects and initiatives. In accordance with this attitude and in light of the great engagement of Munich‘s civil society in 2015, the Master Plan for the Integration of Refugees was initiated in 2016. Taken together, Munich acts as a solidary city.

Joining the Solidarity Cities network, the city wants to associate with likeminded communities which take a stand for the principles of responsibility and solidarity. Morevoer, Munich aims to further develop the network in cooperation with civil society and the partner communities."